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See employee times

Learn what options you have to see your employees' times in the TimeChief app

You have probably installed this TimeChief application to track your employees' attendance.

We offer different views for you and your supervisors to see your employees' time records. You can choose the one that you feel the most comfortable with.

Below you can see a few of many options we have.

1. First make sure that you have invited your employee to the app

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Read the article below to learn how to do that.

Invite employee

Learn what to do to start tracking your employee times

2. Once your employee records their times then you will see them right away

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Employee times are synchronized every time you launch the app. If you are not seeing the latest entries then just leave the app and go back in.

3. Try other show options for your employee times. You can choose among the Plan view above, Full month, or split view

4. You can also check times on your PC on our TimeChief website -

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